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Docusign eSignature - enabling the integration

Community Manager
Docusign Vertical_Black (1).png

The Docusign Integration has been built by Iress to connect your Xplan to the Docusign e-signature API.  The purpose of this document is to:


  • Outline the functionality of the Docusign integration.

  • Explain the steps required to enable this integration.


Functionality - what does the integration do?

This integration facilitates the transmission of an Iress document note (Docnote) and its attachments to Docusign. In Docusign, it creates an envelope and the attachments become documents, removing the need to cut and paste data in and out of Xplan.




The place where this connection is initiated is from within the DocNote area of Xplan.

If you do not see this option step (1) and / or step (2) from the later section has not been completed.


NB: There is a one to one relationship between a Docnote in Xplan and an envelope in Docusign.


What information is sent?

Currently we send the Docnote description, the originating client email address and elements of metadata to create the docusign envelope.   We also send all the Docnote attachments to be included in the Docusign envelope.

There are some limitations to file size imposed by the Docusign API (25Mb) but our analysis shows this will rarely be a problem.  Similarly the vast majority of attachments / document types are supported by both systems.

Currently we do not automatically apply signature blocks, dates or other merge fields into the document nor will we automatically send the envelope directly out to the client 

Then what happens?

Once the Docnote and attachments have been sent to Docusign you can return to Xplan or jump to Docusign to complete the process to send the documents immediately.  



As the integration has connected you to an existing account you can expect that any branding, specific tools or settings linked to your Docusign account will be available to you as if you had uploaded the document directly from your desktop.

How will I know my client has signed the document?

The usual alerts and email notifications that you have set up in Docusign will still take place but now with the added bonus that Xplan is also monitoring for these changes.  Once the document has been signed (or possibly rejected by the client), we will automatically detect this and update the originating document note with the signed version of the document as well as adding an update in the category.


Status changes are ‘None’, ‘Sent to Docusign, ‘Signed in Docusign’ or ‘Voided’



Getting connected

The integration will connect your user account in Xplan to your Docusign account.  Whilst the integration has some of the same traits as an Iress Open Standard Integrations, there are also some marked differences.


First and foremost the enablement process is a little different.  A flow diagram follows but in summary, to enable the integration there are 3 steps.


  1. Enable the integration at Xplan Site level.  At this point in time this will be completed by the Iress Team.  However we expect that the option for self enablement will be made available for all sites by default soon via the Iress Open screen in your Xplan.
  2. Group configuration.  The user (i.e. adviser), must be a member of a group that has docusign enabled.  This step needs to be facilitated by your Xplan site administrator so in the case of Essentials firms Iress will handle this for you.
  3. User connection.  This step is completed by the actual Xplan User themselves upon first using the integration.  When attempting to send the first Xplan Docnote to Docusign the User is directed to the Docusign oAuth process which makes the connection at a User account level to a pre-existing Docusign account before being guided back to Xplan.  You only need to do this once.


IMPORTANT:  If you do not have an existing Docusign account please contact Iress at and Iress will be able to help fasttrack your request with the Docusign Team.

Enablement workflow


In the interests of transparency, while Iress do not charge clients for the provision of this service, we are eligible to receive a small introducer incentive directly from Docusign for new business either as a new relationship or for a significant change to an existing contract.

If you want to talk to Docusign about a change or to set up a new relationship please do so via Iress.  Not only will doing so help us keep our costs competitive, but under the Docusign Partnership Process we will be able to get you promptly connected to exactly the right people at Docusign, accelerating the set up process.


Whats Next?

We have built a connection that we are sure many will find useful, but along the way we recognised that there are other directions that we could go and other features that would be useful.  Some of those ideas coming from the Iress Team, some from our research group / early adopters and some from Docusign themselves.

To inform our next steps and priority we have established this location in the Iress Community to collate your feedback.  If you want to have your say in what we do next please submit a form here.


Links and other reading