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Docusign - Site Administrator Guide

Community Manager


Docusign Vertical_Black (1).png

The Docusign Integration has been built by Iress to connect your Xplan to the Docusign e-signature API.


The purpose of this document is to detail the steps to be undertaken by a site administrator to enable this integration.



  • Xplan site needs to be on version 24.6.341 or higher
  • The Xplan Users need to have their own eSignature account at Docusign
  • The Site Administrator, or someone acting in that capacity, has the authority to instruct the integration in the first instance and also update user group configuration. 
  • Site must be in the UK and Europe region, coming soon to other regions.


Currently the process also requires Iress to enable the code, see the following process flow, however it is our intention to make this available for self enablement via the Iress Open screens.


 Docusign Enablement



1) Access to the code (point (1) in the flowchart)

The Docusign build is currently hidden behind 2 toggles, switching these on means (2) and (3) are then possible.  The toggles open up the integration to the site - but it will not be visible in the menu until step (3) has been completed .  It also loads the cofiguration to support the status updates in the catagories section of the Docnote screen.  Currently this is an Iress task


2) Enabling the site connection to Docusign  (point (2))

This will allow the initial oAuth process to complete and facilitates the ongoing communication between Xplan and Docusign

The site needs to be added to the appropriate regions API key, again currently this is an Iress task.

As part of this process the site administrator / requestor will be required to sign up to the Iress Open Terms and conditions.


3) Permissioning Users to access the menu option (point (3))

The user of Docusign needs to be a member of a Docusign enabled group.  The access rule is simple - in that if a User is a member of any group that has docusign enabled - they will be able to access the feature.


Cautionary Capability - List All Groups.  As the description states this User capability overrides group membership.  Therefore if a User has this capability, while they may not be a direct member of a group with docusign enabled, if there is one such group in their Xplan site,  they will still have access to docusign.


In the example below we created a brand new group ‘Docusign On’ and then added users to that group for the purpose of piloting the integration, but each firm may take an approach that is better suited to their own personal circumstances.


  • Under Admin / Business / Groups we created a group and called it ‘Docusign On’

 Add new group here



 Detail can be relatively light under the new group, it is only to facilaitate the integration



Select the Digital signature menu item and activate the Docusign option.


NB: Selecting the Docusign option does not preclude the use of the existing Iress Digital Signature functionality which can be used independently.


Once these steps have been completed the individuals will have access to the previously 'greyed out' option in the Docnotes area of their Xplan.