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MorganAsh: Iress Open Standard Integration

Iress People

Integration overview

We are pleased to share the news that a new third party integration is now available for Xplan users. 

This is a standard integration which means that it was built by the third party to connect to your Xplan site via the standard integration template.  Iress does not charge for this service and it can be enabled by your own site administrator using the Iress Open setting within your Xplan site.


Integration summary

The MorganAsh Resilience system (MARS) provides an easy way for Advisers and providers to assess, measure and manage vulnerability to meet FCA guidelines.

Software type: Digital Engagement

Locale(s):  GB

Contact details for integrator:

Website for integrator:

Description provided by the integrator:

The MorganAsh Resilience system (MARS) provides an easy way for Advisers and providers to assess, measure and manage vulnerability to meet FCA guidelines.

- MARS empowers personalised service by enhanced knowledge of consumers characteristics
- Relinquishing burdensome compliance tasks so saving adviser time
- Keeps compliant by meeting FCA Vulnerability and Consumer Duty Regulations FG21/1, FG22/5 and PS22/9


How it works: Advisers have options to assess consumer vulnerability themselves, using on-line assessments direct to consumers or letting MorganAsh nurse undertake the assessments. Whichever way is selected a consistent measure of vulnerability we call a Resilience Rating and is derived to give a consistent measure of vulnerability – just like a credit score. This can be used across organisations to ensure consistent and objective records of vulnerability are recorded.

Risk managers can set decision trees, so that the appropriate treatments are instigated depending on the vulnerabilities of each consumer. Thus ensuring consistent processes are undertaken across organisations to desired services levels.

While Xplan has some fields for vulnerability, the MARS tool is far more extensive, providing a robust auditable solution to meet regulatory requirements.

Complimentary services: A set of complimentary services support the system, including empathetic assessments by professional nurses, and services to help and assist vulnerable clients.

Compliance and reliability: MorganAsh has provided clinical assessments and services to UK financial services since 2004. With an impressive reputation for quality and service. With zero cases found against at only a few FOS complaints, only 4 complaints in the last 3 years, and never having a reportable data protection event to the ICO.


More information is available at


Setup instructions

Integrations are a connecting doorway between two systems and you will need to enable these from both the Iress Xplan and the Third Party integrator side before they can be used.


In Xplan: 

This integration follows the Standard Integration pattern:

  • If you manage your own site: You can enable the integration yourself using this guide. This integration is launched from Xplan. The URL that you need to set up the launch is and setup is described hereNote: enablement and configuration must be undertaken by your site administrator.   
  • If you are part of a network or dealer group: Please refer to your organisation’s support team who will undertake this on your behalf.
  • If you outsource your site administration to Iress:  This integration has been enabled. Terms and conditions are included in your managed service agreement. For details, see our website under Integrations available via Iress Open (Xplan and Private Wealth).


In your third party integrator software: 

The Third Party has supplied this setup guide description of the integration's functionality.