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Xplan Essentials (UK) - Valuation since inception report v22.12

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Welcome to Valuation since inception report

Release Number:  v22.12

The Essentials team has released an enhanced Valuation since inception report, version 22.12, which has been added to the following managed sites in the UK region (please check the URL of your Xplan site in your browser if you are unsure whether this applies to you): 


  • xplancentral3





 The Valuation Since Inception report v22.12 has been enhanced to provide the following features:

  • Contributions and withdrawals for SIPP wrappers can now be extracted from either the SIPP wrapper or the underlying plans
  • A new option of ‘Include items not under agency’
  • Liabilities can be displayed in the Detailed Breakdown report
  • Additional help text

As a result 3 new fields have been added to the Valuation since inception wizard:

  1. Include SIPP wrapper contributions / withdrawals?
  2. Include items not under agency?
  3. Include liabilities?

1. Include SIPP wrapper contributions / withdrawals?

New option in Valuation since inception wizard:

Include SIPP wrapper cont withd.png

In Xplan you can record the contributions and withdrawals in the SIPP wrapper, in the underlying plans or in both.  This new option allows you to choose where the contributions and withdrawals are taken from:

  • Yes = contributions and withdrawals will be displayed from the SIPP wrapper level
  • No = contributions and withdrawals will be totalled from the underlying plans

The current value will always be taken from the SIPP wrapper as this is the sum of underlying plans.

If you include profit & loss the calculations will be based on the contributions and withdrawals at SIPP wrapper level.

 If you include contributions and withdrawal history the details will be taken from the relative wrapper or underlying plan.

Valuation since inception

Source of data in output


Yes / No

Contributions / withdrawals summary

Contributions / withdrawals history

Current Value

Profit & loss

Include SIPP wrapper contributions / withdrawals?


SIPP wrapper

SIPP wrapper

SIPP wrapper

SIPP wrapper

Include SIPP wrapper contributions / withdrawals?


Underlying plans

Underlying plans

SIPP wrapper

Underlying plans


Example output:

 SIPP wrapper valuation output.png


2. Include items not under agency?

In Xplan all plans have the field ‘Agency in your name’.  If it is left blank then it is assumed that the agency is in your name, that you are the servicing agent.

It is useful where you are the servicing agent for the plan but you are not providing advice, eg. where a 3rd party is advising, possibly a discretionary fund manager.

Agency in your name.png

This new option in the Valuation since inception report v22.12 allows you to include/exclude plans that are not under your agency.

Include items not under your agency.png


3. Include liabilities?

The original valuation since inception report only offered a Summary of liabilities.

Include a summary of liabilities.png

When you selected the Summary report format, the total liabilities per entity was displayed and deducted from the entity’s current value to create a Net Value.

Total liabilities per entity.png

The enhancements to v22.12 now include the following features:

  • The summary of liabilities now excludes liabilities linked to a SIPP wrapper as they have already been accounted for in the SIPP wrapper valuations.
  • Liabilities held in wrappers, where the Pension Wrapper field is set to Yes, will now be detailed in the report output within the Underlying Wrapped Products section (underlying plans).

 SIPP wrapper liabilities included.png

  • The new question ‘Include liabilities?’ is visible in the Detailed report format and will display the individual liabilities that are not held in a wrapper, eg. where the Pension Wrapper field is set to No.

 Include liabilities new question.png

TIP: in order to set the Pension Wrapper field to Yes in the liability, it is important that the liability is linked to the relative property/asset from the asset screen.

Link liability from the asset.png

 When the asset is linked to the SIPP wrapper then the asset and linked liability will display correctly in the SIPP wrapper.

Pension wrapper in liability.png

Example output:

Valuation example trust.png



Resolved Issues


Ref Category Resolved Issue
CSSSS-1230 Valuation since inception

 Valuation since inception report enhancements

Enhancements to include: linked liabilities and items not under agency.

CSSSS-1071 Valuation since inception

 SIPP wrapper contributions total is incorrect

Contributions recorded at SIPP wrapper level were not calculated in the report, instead the total contributions from the underlying plans were displayed.