on 20-05-2024 05:26 PM
This article is intended to be read in conjunction with the help notes within the Valuation at specified date wizard. Where we believe areas of the wizard are self-explanatory, we haven’t reproduced that here. As always, though, we are open to feedback if anything needs to be clarified or included.
The report uses the closing balance of the date selected.
Therefore to run a quarterly report for example, select the 31st March as your report date.
Here you have three options
Whichever option you choose will only apply to the current client’s report so you can tailor it to suit.
You can opt to have the following information included in the report for the current client you’re running the report for:-
The report consists of two sections:
The Summary section will include tables containing total values, split between the following types of plan. There will be separate tables for the lead client, their partner (if any) and then any jointly owned items, together with combined totals at the end.
The value of each plan will be calculated as follows:
The summary table, for each individual and joint, looks like this, with all of the columns displayed. The plan type and value columns are the only ones always included - the others can be hidden if required for the current client.
There will also be a breakdown split of the holdings for each individual and joint along with a pie chart.
The detailed section will itemise plans / policies in each area. It will adhere to the report setting described above.
Contribution and withdrawal history
This information will be pulled from the contribution and withdrawal tab within the plan record. It does not pull from the linked portfolio account. The current value will be calculated using plan value adjusted using the contributions and withdrawals.
Investment holdings
Each plan with a linked portfolio account will be shown with its underlying securities / funds. The value will reflect the linked portfolio account at the selected Valuation date.
Why is my plan not appearing in the report?
Any plans or policies with the status not set (i.e. set to blank) or those with a non-active status will not appear on the report.
Plans that do not have a valid Purchase/Inception date will also be excluded (the date must be earlier than the valuation date).
How do I exclude specific plans from the valuation report?
Under advice - if the reason for exclusion is that the plan isn't under advice, the Under Advice field against the plan (within the Financial Details screens) can be set to "No".
Status - only statuses which reflect the plan is current / active are included in the valuation report. If the status is left as blank in the Financial details screen, then the plan will not be included in the valuation report output. Remember, though, that a blank status could affect other reports or widgets. If the plan is linked to a portfolio account, that account will still show up in the fund details / asset class area.
How are contributions and withdrawals reflected in this report?
SIPP wrappers - for complex SIPP wrappers, which are linked in Xplan to its underlying products, contributions and withdrawals are taken from the details recorded in the Contributions and Withdrawals tabs within the plan record
Platform wrappers - platform wrappers in Xplan are handled differently, so the contribution and withdrawal information is always totalled up across the underlying plans linked to it.
All other plan types - contributions and withdrawals are taken from the details recorded in the Contributions and Withdrawals tabs within the plan record
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