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Mortgage Fact Find report explained

Iress People


This article is intended to be read in conjunction with using the Mortgage Fact Find wizard. Where we believe areas of the wizard are self-explanatory, we haven’t reproduced that here.  As always, though, we are open to feedback if anything needs to be clarified or included.


What is it?

  • A structured way of capturing and updating your individual client details specifically for  mortgage business
  • Our standard solution to record hard and soft facts for your client
  • Allows you to generate a report which covers both client and partner
  • Generates for one individual at a time (not in bulk)
  • Can be used to take a snapshot of all of a client’s fact find information at a point in time, or a blank version can be printed to take to a meeting


Key benefits

  • Consistency between data capture and the report
  • Reuses data from your client record to avoid re-keying
  • Ability to reflect your brand (logo, colour, font & table)
  • Branding options only need to be set once
  • Option to have a bespoke front and/or back cover (colour images in background)
  • Comments fields available on all pages



Wizard / Menu

The fact finds in Xplan are all ‘wizard’ based - where you are guided from screen to screen to capture the information in a structured way.

The wizard is used to capture information and to generate a merged document at the end.

You can work through the wizard using the Next and Previous buttons, located at the top right and lower right of the screen, or by using the menu on the left of the screen.

Mandatory fields are marked with an asterisk. If you are in edit mode (ie. entering data on a page) you will not be able to move from that page unless the mandatory fields have been updated and saved.

Data previously recorded in the CRM or Financial sections will automatically be displayed in the wizard, there is no need for re-keying.

Any changes made in the CRM section will update the fact find and vice versa, keeping the fact find and CRM synchronised.

The Save & Exit button allows you to return to the wizard at a later stage to complete the data. For example portfolio data may require a letter of authority to obtain the information.




Fact find options page


Deceased client indicator

If either of the entities have a status of ‘Deceased’ a red warning note is displayed on screen.

TIP: This may be a good opportunity to check that the Address Title and Salutation fields have been updated accordingly as they will be used in various forms of communication.



The fact find report will display ‘The Estate Of’ in the first row of the Personal Details table:





Skip the online fact find and print a paper version?

This question is mandatory and controls whether you are taken through the wizard to record data or skip to the print page for the purposes of generating a populated or blank fact find:


  • Yes - will skip the wizard pages, open the Print Factfind page and generate a blank fact find
  • No - will allow you to proceed through the menu and generate a populated fact find




The majority of pages in the wizard have a ‘notes’ field to record soft facts.

Where a large amount of text has been added it may be beneficial to enlarge the screen by dragging the image in the lower right corner, as highlighted in the screenshot below.   




Please note this field is not a rich text field, the text cannot be formatted.  If you copy and paste formatted text from another source (Word, email) any formatting will be lost and the text will be left aligned.


The following table lists the notes fields available and whether there is one field (joint) or the field displays twice - once for the client and once for their partner.





Personal Details

Vulnerability Assessment



The wizard starts with one question ’Does your client require additional support?’

  • If the answer is Yes then 5 additional fields will be displayed.
  • If the answer is No, no further questions are displayed.



Only the data recorded in the final question ‘Mitigation for vulnerability’ will be included in the populated report.


Blank fact find

The section has been renamed as ‘Vulnerability Assessment’ and the questions softened by using the term ‘additional support’ rather than vulnerable/vulnerability.  This wording is more acceptable where the fact find is provided to or completed by clients

The vulnerability assessment will generate all the questions in the blank fact find as follows:




Populated fact find

The populated fact find will only display the ‘Additional support required field(s) for client/partner’ regardless of whether they are populated or not.  This should act as a prompt for the adviser to assess the client’s current vulnerability, even if the last assessment was recorded as not requiring additional support.






Client and Partner details are recorded on the same page: telephone, email, address and previous address.




Enter the details for your client and use the ‘Copy’ icon to easily populate the partner’s details. No need to enter the data twice.  Also works if you need to copy from the partner to the client.




One option of each entry type will be marked as ‘Preferred’.  If there is only one instance, eg. mobile number, it will automatically default to ‘preferred’. 

You also have the option to select which instance is to be the preferred one.





This page allows you to record details of anyone who is dependent on your clients.

The dependant does not need to be an existing client.



As well as recording the dependant’s details there is also a section to record details related to schooling, such as dates, fees and name.







Client and Partner details are recorded on the same page, in separate panels, with individual client and partner notes.





Client and Partner details are recorded on the same page, with a joint notes field.





Client and Partner details are recorded on the same page, with a joint notes field.




Policies & Plans


Client and Partner details are recorded on the same page, with a joint notes field.





Client and Partner details are recorded on the same page, with a joint notes field.





This page asks whether you wish to record aad display pension details via the following question:

  • Do you want to collect pension details?
  • No - lets you record notes but will not display the panel for recording pensions or display any existing pensions recorded via another source (CRM, Financial Details, Individual Fact Find).  Existing pensions will be displayed in the populated fact find.


  • Yes - allows you to record pension data, or if pension data already exists it will be displayed on screen.




Client and Partner details for Pensions and Annuities & Retirement Income are recorded on the same pag,e in separate panels, with individual client and partner notes.




Client and Partner details are recorded on the same page, in separate panels, with individual client and partner notes.




If cover details have not been recorded against an existing protection policy, the populated fact find will display a note advising that ‘Policy has no related covers’.




General Insurance

Client and Partner details are recorded on the same page, in separate panels, with individual client and partner notes.




Credit History

Client and Partner details are recorded on separate pages. Use the View Partner button, top right, to access the partner’s page.





Account Details

Client and Partner details are recorded on separate pages. Use the View Partner button, top right, to access the partner’s page.


This page is not included in the printed fact finds.



Professional Contacts

Other professional and advisers can be recorded on this page.





GDPR & Marketing Preferences

This page is conditioned to only display the Marketing Preferences when the answer to the 2nd question ‘We like to take care …. Do you wish to receive this information?’ is Yes.

Preferences are saved for client and partner separately.




Print Options

Include notes?

Selecting ‘No’ will generate the populated fact find without any of the notes fields*.

*The exception is the Additional Support field - this will always be included in the populated fact find.



Selecting ‘Yes’ will include all of the notes fields in the populated fact find and another option will be displayed ‘Include adviser comments on all policies’.




Print Factfind

Based on the options you have selected in the wizard, eg. skip the online wizard to print a blank fact find or complete the wizard and generate the populated report version the options are as follows:

Skip the online wizard

Skipping the online wizard takes you directly to the print options to generate a blank fact find.

Generate Blank Report - prints a blank report in Word format



Complete the online wizard

Completing the wizard lets you proceed through the menu to the Print Options page where you have the option to ‘Include Notes’ and then you can generate a populated report.






  • Generate Report - prints a populated report in Word format
  • Generate Report + Doc Note - prints a  populated report in Word format and uploads a copy to the client Notes allowing you to select the:
    •  Subject
    • Note type
    • Note Subtype
    • Add Note To…



Once generated you will receive a notification in your notifications icon on the title bar to allow you to download the document.

Where the fact find is saved automatically as an attachment to a document note, it can be found in Notes or Servicing > Report Generation > Notes.



Printed Fact Find

The report prints in portrait format with certain pages set in landscape format for optimal display of tables.



The following table lists what is included in the blank and populated fact finds.



  • The logo, by default, will be the one recorded in Xplan and used in the Letter Generator.  If you wish to have a different logo in your reports (fact finds and valuation reports) we can create a bespoke cover page. Please ask your Iress Account Manager for more information.
  • The company address on the back cover will be displayed if it is recorded against the adviser.
  • ‘Optional’ means you can have a bespoke background image on the front and back covers.
  • The back cover can also include additional text such as FCA registration and website details.



Example cover pages








 Data Protection Act 2018 (DPA)

The default is the current Data Protection Act 2018. 


 The below page will be generated near the start of the document as follows:





The declaration is standard as follows:





Troubleshooting / FAQs

  • How do I print a blank fact find?
  • How do I update client details?
  • How do I print a populated fact find?


How do I print a blank fact find?

On the Factfind Options page, select Yes to the question Would you like to skip the online factfind and print a paper version?


 Select Next to go directly to the print page and select Generate Blank Report.


Your document will generate in the background and a notification will display in the bell icon for you to download.



How do I update client details?

Client details can be updated via the fact find wizard or from other modules of Xplan:

  • CRM (Client details)
  • Financial Details
  • Portfolios
  • Individual Fact Find

Most pages in the wizard have a free text Notes field for recording soft facts which are stored in the mortgage fact find wizard and not duplicated or shared with other modules.

Once you have finished editing the data, you can select Save and Exit, this will ensure all the information is saved in the fact find wizard and the corresponding areas within your client’s record. The other modules, where applicable, are synchronised once saved.



How do I print a populated fact find?

On the Factfind Options page, select No to the question Would you like to skip the online factfind and print a paper version?


 Select Next to navigate through the wizard making updates as necessary.

From the Print Options page you can choose to Include notes, select Yes or No

Select Next


Select Generate Report or Generate Report + Doc Note.


Your document will generate in the background and a notification will display in the bell icon for you to download.