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How To: Search for Information

Community Manager

Searching Quick Tips


Using the Search Bar


The Iress Community search bar allows you to search for key words or terms to access the content you are looking for. The search bar will provide you with suggestions as you search but if none of those suggestions fit the bill, just press the return or enter key to be taken to the advanced search area where you can review the full list and then add further filters as required.


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Filtering by Community Space


To filter to content within a specific space, e.g. Labs or Release Notes, you can either navigate directly to the space and you use the Search Bar for further filtering in that space or alternatively, you can search all of the community and further filter by Place.





Filtering by Country


Countries are used across the Iress Community to categorise the content relevant to the country you deal with for Iress. For example, you can be based in the UK and attribute to the UK for your needs, alternatively you could sit in a european country and deal with UK expats, therefore you associate with the UK. You can filter content directly from any Filter Articles area, alternatively within the search results screen, you can use the Labels filter. You can use multiple labels for combined articles. 





Filtering by Topic


Topics are used across the Iress Community to categorise the content by key functions such as Diary, Portfolio, Assets etc and may differ per Iress software and by space. You can filter content directly from any Filter Articles area, alternatively within the search results screen, you can use the Labels filter. You can use multiple labels for combined articles. 

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Using Abbreviations, AND or OR statements

Where possible, Iress will try and use both abbreviations as well as full terms to ensure it is easier for you to search however this is not always possible across the forums where all Community Members can contribute useful solutions. 
  • To search for all articles that may include an abbreviation or the full term, just type both items into the search bar as the search bar uses an OR statement by default. e.g. SSO OR Single Sign On can be added as SSO Single Sign On. 
  • If you are looking for a particular term however such as Portfolio Modelling and you only want articles where both of those words are used, you can use Portfolio AND Modelling.


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Using Wildcards


Wildcard searches use a ? symbol as a placeholder for any sequence of characters or words. You can use single character or multiple character wildcard searches within single terms (not within phrase queries).

  • To perform a single character wildcard search use the ? symbol. For example, to search for text or test you can use the search text.
  • To perform a multiple character wildcard search use the * symbol. For example, to search for test, tests or tester you can use the search test*.