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Manual CSV Upload feed

Community Member: Level 5

Manual CSV Upload feed

Can anyone who uses the Manual CSV Upload feed service let me know their experiences with it?  We are wondering if it is worthwhile setting up for various offshore bond providers?


Iress People

Hi Alice, 

My experience working with offshore providers is mixed. We have datafeeds available for some, such as Pru and Canada Life, which work well. However, most providers are not able to support a datafeed.

Which offshore providers were you interested in obtaining a valuation from?

We did open the option for CSV uploaded valuations from RL360, Quilter International and Friends Prov Int, but getting the data in a consistent format has proved challenging, resulting in many Support incidents.

To improve this, we've started pilot testing a replacement process for RL360. They would supply you with the data, and then you would upload it to IFA Dataflow. They will transform the CSV data into a format Iress can import and automatically send it to Iress to import and update Xplan. We have seen IFA Dataflow improve the process for CSV income statements imported into CommPay, so we aim to see a similar impact on valuations. We'll focus on addressing the existing providers and potentially extend this to others if this proves successful.

We'll share further details soon after the pilot testing is completed.



Community Member: Level 5

Hi Aaron,

RL360 is one of the providers we would be looking at, along with the various versions of Utmost Int and FPI, so any update on the pilot would be great.



Iress People

Hi Alice,

RL360 is progressing well at the moment. We expect to release that more widely to those who use IFA Dataflow in the next few weeks. The next provider we'll review is Quilter Int/Utmost. 

Look out for further updates in the Datafeeds group hub.

